Nintendo’s own Kit and Krysta shared some new details for The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD on their own show, Nintendo Minute.
They talked briefly about the graphical improvements afforded to Twilight Princess by virtue of it finally coming to HD. In general, the game looks as clean as it has ever been, with highly detailed textures on what were previously deliberately obscured details. You can see it in ever decorated brick and every apple sold in the market. Twilight Princess is known for its dramatic lighting, and this effect gets greatly enhanced in HD.
They also talked about a bit of the gameplay. Z-targeting returns, which may please or dissatisfy you, depending on you stance on Z-targeting. One cool change is you can now switch to Wolf form and Human form by tapping Gamepad screen, making it considerably easier, even instinctual.
Finally, they took a few minutes to discuss the Wolf Link amiibo. Wolf Link himself is actually bigger than the standard amiibo base, so they have Link stepping on oversized land masses that jut outwards from the base. Characteristic to their attention to detail, Midna’s hair goes transparent at the end of her ponytail. The Wolf Link amiibo opens up a new area called the Cave of Shadows.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD will be released exclusively on Wii U on March 4. You can watch Kit and Krysta go through the game above.