Heroes of the Storm's Winter Veil event starts this week. To kick off the festivities, Blizzard is releasing new Christmas-themed content and offering everyone who simply logs in to play a free mount for the duration. The mount is a festive version of the Treasure Goblin.
Unfortunately, the new mount won't be a permanent unlock or even something you can pay for.
During the event, players can earn free Stimpacks, which boosts the amount of gold and in-game experience you earn each time you participate in a match. Players who play 15 games will earn a 4-day Stimpack, while those who make it to 50 games will earn a 10-day Stimpack.
New skins are also up for sale, including Sugarplum Sylvanas and Greatfather Winter Stitches. They're both priced at 50% and are a part of the on-going Christmas sale that applies to everything in the store. They're available individually or in a bundle with their respective characters, if you don't already own them. Two older skins, Greatfather Winter Rehgar and Winter Veil Jaina, are also available this year. You can also buy a Christmas-themed mount, the Reign-Deer.
Winter Veil begins tomorrow.