Despite starting out as a survival horror series, the Resident Evil games have slowly seen an evolution in focus in the last few years. One of the latest entries to the franchise will be Operation Raccoon City, a multiplayer-focused title developed by Slant Six Games. Slant Six Games are famed for developing the SOCOM franchise.
Masachika Kawata, the Resident Evil series producer, recently spoke to Gamasutra regarding the flexibility of the series.
"I'm thinking that if we would have brought out all these Resident Evil titles, and they were all focused on survival horror, absolutely I think people would be really sick of Resident Evil," he postulates. "And by going in a lot of different directions, I'm pretty confident that people are going to still be enjoying Resident Evil for a long time."
That's probably an astute prediction, no? Nonetheless, a constant flow of the same franchise can still cause oversaturation, even if the focus is different. Hopefully Capcom doesn't cross that line.
Then again, we are talking about Capcom.