One of the most skilled gamers in Destiny is at it again. CommanderCuesta from the clan The Legend Himself has downed Oryx, the game's final boss, in a 2-man fireteam in the King's Fall raid. Normally, Oryx requires a full 6-man raid fireteam to take down, but The Legend Himself and a friend named A Death Card managed to do it with four players short.
Slayerage from The Legend Himself previously acquired the Black Spindle all on his own by killing the Taken in the special mission in under 10 minutes with only a few seconds to spare after several tries. He also managed to defeat Golgoroth with another player in the King's Fall raid.
If you're wondering how this is possible, one player on Reddit, Vartio, explains the mechanics of the fight to correct some misconceptions:
1 – You don't need platforms. The aura only helps simplify the fight, it isn't necessary.
2- One person can pop 2 bombs by having their fields overlap by ogre placement
3 – Oryx will 2nd flinch as long as you drop enough DPS, you don't -need- someone to maintain DPS after initial flinch.
4 – Enrage timer is at -least- 5 cycles, 6 at most. At 16 orbs needed to win, that means even if all you pop is 3 each time, you'd still win under a 6 cycle requirement. At a 5 cycle you would need at least 3 4-orb cycles.
Basically, it isn't completely necessary to get the brand to kill the Knight that absorbs the bombs. Players just have to detonate the bombs before the Vessel gets to them, and it's possible to get multiple bombs to detonate at the same time by having their fields overlap by killing the ogres next to each other when all their health is equally low. Keeping the ogres alive at the same time prevents the Vessel from absorbing the corrupted lights. Furthermore, after the blight explosion killed them (due to their lack of a brand), they simply used their self-resurrect super as Sunsinger Warlocks to prevent a wipe.
Skip to 2:06:52 to watch it all happen.