Mojang Studios has officially released a trailer for the Minecraft Dungeons Anniversary Event which will be held from May 25 to June 15. According to developers, the “second-anniversary party is on” and players will be able to “participate in the in-game festivities to earn event-themed gear and cosmetics, including the baby moobloom.” Check out the new trailer below!
May 26 marked the second anniversary of the dungeon crawler. Developers have said one the event, “Time flies when you’re having fun. One second, you’re there in Highblock Halls for the first time, barely defeating Archie on Normal. The next, you’re clearing a challenging ancient hunt like you were born to do it. Unlike me, who was born to cry over the fact that I still struggle with the Corrupted Cauldron. We’re all destined for something!”
“Minecraft Dungeons sure has grown, and this month our little rascal turns two years old! We want to commemorate this occasion and celebrate our journey by throwing the most brimming birthday bash this side of the Overworld. And of course, you’re invited!”
According to Mojang Studios, “Between May 25 and June 15, you can participate in an anniversary event that features several unique in-game activities. Take part in seasonal trials in which you can collect fancy gear like the Sparkler, Sweet Tooth, or the Sugar Rush – as well as a new and elegant anniversary cape. Or why not clear a special tower challenge to earn the friendship of the utterly adorable baby moobloom pet? Becoming BFFs with this beautiful bovine should be everyone’s top priority – right after ‘Mark calendar for Anniversary Event,’ ‘Start Launcher’, and ‘Play Minecraft Dungeons‘! Hm, that’s quite a lot of undertakings actually. Better make a list and pin a few sticky notes to the screen. “
Perspective players can find Minecraft Dungeons on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.