Lionhead Studios, developer of the Fable franchise, is not working on Fable 4 and its focus remains on upcoming Xbox One and PC game Fable Legends “for the foreseeable future,” it said on Twitter.
Fable Legends began development more than three years ago, but was not announced until August 2013. While the game will be free-to-play, Lionhead plans to support the game through episodic updates in Legends’ planned 5-10-year lifespan.
Hiya @justinmorgan57 🙂 We're not working on a Fable 4, #FableLegends is our priority and will be for the foreseeable future. Thanks!
— Lionhead Studios (@LionheadStudios) September 23, 2015
In Fable Legends, players will either play as one of four heroes as they attempt to thwart the singular villain. Any of these five characters can be controlled by other players or by AI. It is the job of the villain to plan out the best way to destroy the four heroes during the setup phase before the game begins. Thusly, the heroes will work to combat the villain and the obstacles they have constructed as the scenario the villain has created plays out.
Fable Legends is expected to be released sometime this year on Xbox One. A Windows 10 version has also been announced, though a release date has not been confirmed. Both platforms will support cross-platform play with one another.