Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse may have been delayed until next year, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not anything to look forward to with it! In fact, there’s a lot of new information that was dropped at CinemaCon!
By that, we mean that a 15-minute preview of Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse was shown and in it came a lot of details about the Spider-Men (and women!) that were going to show up, and even how the movie will start! Here’s a small description from the people who were there:
“Earth-65. The Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman sneaks through the window of her apartment building. Her father, Captain George Stacy, is washing dishes. ‘We caught a break in the Spider-Man case,'” he tells Gwen. A hostage situation at the Guggenheim museum interrupts. The Vulture! He speaks Italian in stylized subtitles, Da Vinci style. Gwen suits up and swings into action, quipping the Vulture is a ‘Renaissance man.’ Adrian Toomes has lethal claws, a 40-foot wingspan of razor blade sharp wings, and modern weaponry like drones. It’s Spider-Gwen versus Vulture in the museum. Vulture pins Gwen and is about to cut her to shreds: ‘This is THE dumbest way to die!’
Suddenly, a multiversal portal opens. A glowing red web shoots out. Out leaps Miguel O’Hara, the Spider-Man 2099 of Earth-298. Gwen asks if he’s ‘the Blue Panther.’ No, but he’s from another dimension. Gwen and Miguel double team attack Vulture. Miguel begrudgingly asks Lyla, his quirky virtual assistant, to send backup – he grumbles again, ‘Call for backup!'”
That backup is none other than Jessica Drew, who is African-American in this film and 5 months pregnant (paying homage to a famous story from recent years). The three stop a helicopter from crashing, but in the process, Captain Stacy catches his daughter and arrests her, even after she reveals herself to him. Miguel is able to stop the arrest, and gives Gwen a device to travel dimensions…which she uses to go and see Miles in his dimension.
While it may not be much, it’s enough to get people talking.
Source: ComicBook.com