Are you still fretting about the details of Final Fantasy XV’srelease date? We have a new translation that should provide clarity.
This is from the same interview Dengeki held with Tabata at Gamescom. While we’ll recap the same question, there are some tidbits that were not adequately translated before as well.
So, setting the record straight, based on this translation of the interview, Final Fantasy XV is coming before 2017. Again, Tabata understands that fans were looking for the release date info, and were disappointed they did not get this info from Square Enix’s presentation. However, they still cannot share the actual release date, and have to leave it at before 2017.
Now, regarding other game design questions, Tabata did have something to say about catering to as many fans as possible. The Final Fantasy team is aware that some fans were looking for more of an action game, while others wanted more of an RPG. And so, when it came to boss battles like the Catoblepas, some fans expect a difficult, but beatable, boss battle, while others are hoping it will prove beatable after leveling up. The team’s answer to this is to cater to both kinds of fans, so both playstyles are acceptable ways of addressing the same problem.
In fact, this is why Catoblepas was added in Episode Duscae version 2.0. The Final Fantasy XV team wanted to see how fans would react to such a situation. Perhaps predictably, some found that boss battle too easy, while others had a severely hard time and could not beat the boss. As they indicate, the data they collect will definitely influence the final game.
Final Fantasy XV is being developed for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.