The last Destiny expansion, House of Wolves, failed to feature a new Raid for players to partake in. This caused no small amount of disappointment, especially since hardcore players wanted another raid after finishing Vault of Glass and Crota's End previous to that. Thankfully, hardcore players won't be disappointed in the upcoming expansion pack, which is slated to offer a new raid called King's Fall.
In Destiny: The Taken King, players will be able to experience King's Fall, which Bungie describes as the largest raid that the game has ever seen.
Unlike Vault of Glass, which had little to do with the story arc in the base Destiny game, King's Fall plays into the story arc of the upcoming expansion pack and players will go up against none other than Oryx, the Taken King himself. The battle will take place aboard the Dreadnaught, Oryx's command ship.
The Dreadnaught is The Taken King's new location, and will also play host to a bunch of story missions, strikes, and other activities. It will also have its own set of bounties. There will be a new mode called Court of Oryx, which sounds a bit like the Prison of Elders arena in House of Wolves.
According to Bungie's interview with IGN, the Court of Oryx is a "player-instigated public event that pits you against different combinations of different bosses in different scenarios."
Bungie's DeeJ explained: "We’re putting a lot more control in the hands of the players to where your Destiny adventure unfolds, and the Dreadnaught is great evidence of a lot of the new things that the team is doing to change the way you play the game, and to change the way it rewards you."
Given that it all takes place on a ship, we can expect locations to be vastly different from anything the game has previously had to offer.
Destiny: The Taken King comes out on September 15, 2015.