Ghost Games has released a new image of their upcoming racing game Need for Speed. This in itself wouldn't be a big deal, but the studio released renders comparing real-life visuals to in-engine ones without disclosing which is which.
Yeah, I can't tell which is real, either.
In addition to the reveal trailer and the gameplay demo, this is the only time its developers have released media for Need for Speed.
Click the image to view it in full size.
“Our aim with this process was to make use of the Physically Based Rendering (PBR) capabilities of our Frostbite engine to create accurate real-world materials, surfaces and lighting to reach a life-like visual image,” said Bryn Alban, the game’s vehicle art director.
The upcoming Need for Speed is a reboot of the series that borrows some of the best elements from previous titles, including the customization of Underground and the open-world nature of several games in the series.
It's set for release on the PC, Xbox One and PS4 on November 3.