Ubisoft has given gamers the biggest look yet at the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Valhalla expansion, Dawn of Ragnarok. Ubisoft says the expansion will be the biggest ever for an Assassin’s Creed game, and it certainly looks like it. The trailer goes in-depth on the story, world, and gameplay of the expansion. Giving gamers a look at the completely separate realm Ubisoft has built for the expansion and how gameplay changes as players take on Odin as the playable character. Check out the full Dawn of Ragnarok trailer below.
In Dawn of Ragnarok, players will take control of Odin, the Norse god, as they try to rescue their son Baldr from the unkillable giant, Surtr. The Odin portions of the game take place in Svartalfheim, the Dwarven realm of Norse mythology. When getting to Svartalfheim, via Eivor’s dream-like state, players will be able to choose whether they want to play as the male or female version of Odin. Just like players could do with Valhalla’s main character, Eivor.
The Dawn of Ragnarok trailer also shows off new gameplay mechanics for Valhalla via Odin’s weapon, the Hugr-Rip. The Hugr-Rip is a brace similar to the ones used by assassins in the series. However, Odin’s version is much more. Odin’s Hugr-Rip allows him to absorb the powers of enemies he defeats. The powers absorbed by Odin will allow players to experience Assassin’s Creed Valhalla in new ways. Ubisoft says the new powers will allow greater freedom in how players tackle the challenges of the game.
As the Deep Dive Trailer name suggests, the video is incredibly detailed. It’s well worth watching to see everything Dawn of Ragnarok has to offer.
Dawn of Ragnarok will be released on March 10. The game can be purchased as a standalone expansion but it requires the base Assassin’s Creed Valhalla game to play.