Bandai Namco’s Digimon World: Cyber Sleuth, formerly known as Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and exclusive to PS Vita in Japan, has appeared on Amazon Canada as a title for the PlayStation 4.
The game’s transition from PS Vita to PlayStation 4 falls in line with Bandai Namco’s recent modus operandi of porting PS Vita and PlayStation 3 games to PlayStation 4 during English localization. Godzilla was exclusive to PS3, but received a PS4 version during localization. The latest release in the Tales series, Tales of Zestiria, is also being ported to PS4 (and PC) when it is released in North America and Europe this October.
On Monday, Bandai Namco announced the final chapter of the Dark Souls series, Dark Souls 3, at E3 2015.