Seven years after the original game, Dying Light 2 is almost here. Set to officially release tomorrow, some copies were shipped earlier than expected. Developer Techland immediately took to Twitter, telling players that while they understand the excitement to get down to some zombie-killin’ fun, it was important that they wait until Friday. As it turns out, that advice was pretty solid: the day one patch is on course to fix over 1,000 bugs present in the game.
In an interview with IGN, the devs revealed that in the past two weeks alone, they have “added over a thousand fixes and improvements on all the platforms.” In the release day patch, players can expect “another thousand tweaks to go live on consoles within the next few days.” Techland will continue to improve the PC version of the game as time progresses.
“Like almost all modern games, our journey as developers doesn’t end when we share copies with reviewers or on launch day. We will support Dying Light 2 with new content for at least five years, and at every step on the road, we will actively listen to the community and work diligently to address any bugs discovered as players experience our most ambitious game to date,” Techland said.
Of course, some players didn’t heed Techland’s warning, and videos of the aforementioned bugs are popping up across social media. One of the more problematic issues stops story progression altogether, while another completely eliminates the game’s voice-over audio. The majority of fixes have to do with stability, and this amount of bugs is understandable given the scale of Dying Light 2. 1,500 people worked on the title over the course of its development.
Dying Light 2 will be released tomorrow, February 4, 2022, with pre-loads starting today for PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The title’s first story DLC will be added in June with smaller additions such as outfits and weapons being added sooner. For Xbox players looking to purchase the game, this is your last chance to clear up the massive 72 GB of space you’ll need for the download!