Driveclub has received a new patch, which has overhauled the game's servers to prepare for the launch of the game's PlayStation Plus Edition.
Update 1.16 also adds new challenges which can be accessed directly from the 'Evolution' menu. The main points, as per the patch notes on Driveclub's official Facebook page, are as follows:
- Challenges have been expanded to support an unlimited number of participants.
- Challenge notifications have been integrated into the Social Hub activity feed for easy access.
- The Challenge Menu has a new interface to make it easier to join Challenges.
- Evolution Studios Challenges have been added to the Challenge Menu for direct and easy access.
- Challenges can be set up to last longer: from 1hr up to 4 weeks per challenge.
- Invitation options have been optimised to focus on active players and reduce challenge notification spam.
- More of our favourite ‪#PS4share‬ pictures created by the community have been added to the Menus.
- Significant technical improvements have been made made to enhance server connectivity and prepare for the PlayStation Plus Edition.
Driveclub launched with severe online problems last years, ultimately leading to a significant delay in the launch of the limited but free PlayStation Plus Edition of the game.