Pickup is a rare ability that allows Pokemon to pickup items that enemy Pokemon are carrying in battle. They’ll also pickup items while you’re walking around — and that’s what really makes this ability incredibly valuable. In most Pokemon games, pickup only very rarely gives you anything worthwhile. In Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, you’ll start getting rare useful items fast. Once you’re Level 20-30, you can get Full Heals, Evolution Stones, Nuggets, PP Up, Stat Herbs and even Rare Candy. The longer you walk around with the Pickup Ability, the more stuff you’ll get. And this ability stacks!
After getting this ability, I was getting 2 Nuggets, 3 Super Potions, 2 Max Potions in less than an hour of walking around. You have the same odds getting Evolution Stones. All you need is a Pokemon with Pickup on your team and you’ll be rolling in rare items. I don’t know what’s happening with Pickup, but it absolutely is providing bigger payouts than ever before. You don’t even need to be level 50+. Great items are dropped early.
More Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl guides:
How To Catch All Legendary Pokemon | How To Get Mew, Jirachi & Manaphy | How Get A Useful Catcher Pokemon | Where To Find Evolution Stones | All Field Moves | Early Mystery Gifts | Easier Grand Underground Catching | How To Catch Rotom & Change Forms | All Gift & Fossil Pokemon | Ultimate Moves Locations | Shiny Pokemon Hunting Guide | Easy Cash Farming Method | How To Catch Feebas, The Rarest Pokemon | Ditto Breeding Guide | Best XP Grinding Method | How To Expand Secret Base | How To Catch Mesprit
How To Earn Free Items | Pickup Ability
Pickup is a strangely handy ability, but only specifically in this remake. I’ve messed around with abilities in previous games like Sun / Moon and Sword / Shield, but Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl. To get started, you’ll need to get a Pokemon with Pickup.
- Catching A Pokemon With Pickup: Pachirisu can be found on Route 205. You’ll want to get Pachirisu to about Level 20+ before bothering to put them in your team. They don’t need to be a lead.
Pachirisu is a good starter with Pickup — just remember that your first Pachirisu might not have the Pickup Ability. If they don’t keep hunting until you get one. At Level 30, you can find the following items randomly while roaming around.
- Level 31-40 Items | Random Table
- Shiny Stone
- Dawn Stone
- Dusk Stone
- Leftovers
- Pokedoll
- Super Repel
- Full Heal
- Revive
- Nugget
- Max Repel
- Max Potion
- Max Revive
- Ether
- Hyper Potion
- Destiny Knot (VERY Important Held-Item for breeding competitive Pokemon)
- Power Herb
- White Herb
- Mental Herb
- PP Up
- Rare Candy
- Max Ether
That’s a lot of items. As you level up, your chances of finding these items increases by a small fraction. At Level 20/30, many of these items have a percentage of 3% or even 1% — and yet, it is still pretty likely you’ll find them just by walking around. Just put Pachirisu in the back of your team and let them hoover up useful items as you explore. You can never have enough of ALL of these items, and Evolution Stones are worthwhile to trade with other players.