Late last week, the Xbox UK account on Twitter posted what appears to be the latest Halo 5: Guardians ARG (alternate reality game) campaign. The company posted a trailer of the latest Xbox One trailer for the game, interspersed with glitches and ONI logos. When the accompanying binary code was translated, it lead to the HUNTtheSIGNAL website, which shows a countdown until May 6.
The site is only viewable by mobile devices and any attempt to view it on the PC or Mac will result in the message "INCORRECT PLATFORM."
There's not really much to the page beyond the countdown, which can only be viewed on the iOS, Windows Phone or Android mobile devices.
Fans who did some further digging into the site discovered a number of pages, all of which are currently inactive on the site and lead to a 503 error page.
These pages include links to "team," "signup," and "terms."
A link on the Halo Waypoint (Halo's official website) contains the entire list of official terms and conditions, including the rules and requirements for the campaign, as well as the rewards for the winners. One of the rewards includes having an entire squad of four players immortalized in the Halo setting with an appearance in Halo 5: Guardians as characters in the game.
Here's the pertinent text, which was discovered by some users on reddit:
"Each team member will be invited to provide a photograph of themselves which will be used to create characters in their likeness to appear in the game Halo 5. "
So with that cat out of the bag, it'll be interesting to see what the contest will actually entail once it goes live on May 6th. Unfortunately, the contest will only be open to US and UK residents.
Halo 5: Guardians comes out on October 27, 2015 barring any delays.