Final Fantasy XIV is getting its next massive expansion, Endwalker, in less than one month. With popular FFXIV streamers taking part in a media tour for the release, plenty of information about the new content has begun taking over all corners of the internet. Currently, the game hosts over 24 million players and has become the most profitable Final Fantasy game to date. The title’s producer, Naoki Yoshida, sits down every few months to address the player base directly, and to tease upcoming content and changes coming to the MMO. The next Final Fantasy XIV Letter From the Producer Live is scheduled to take place on November 5, 2021. This will be the final Live Letter ahead of Endwalker‘s release.
The broadcast will be available to watch through both YouTube and Twitch and will feature live English interpretation. No details have been given on the exact content of the stream, but given that the last Live Letter was nearly seven hours long, it will be interesting to see what else Yoshi-P has to add ahead of Endwalker. It’s possible that more major details will be revealed, including a release trailer, and fans are expecting to hear more about changes coming to the game’s crafting and gathering system.
September’s Live Letter detailed the job changes coming in the 6.0 Patch and gave demonstrations of the new Reaper and Sage classes. Version 6.0 will be the largest update Final Fantasy XIV has ever received, and will see the end of the Hydalyn and Zodiark story arc that has been ongoing since the release of A Realm Reborn in 2013.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker will release on November 23, 2021, for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. Those who pre-ordered the title will be able to access the new content early, on November 19. Last week, Yoshida mentioned that he was “positive” about an eventual Xbox port.