Grand Theft Auto 5 on the PC offers a whole host of graphical options that will be sure to please anyone with a high-end graphics card, and those with low-end graphics cards will be more than happy to know that the game even scales down so they can play it with smooth framerates.
It's a refreshing change from the console ports that don't really offer much in terms of customizability. The options available in GTA 5's PC version more than solidify Rockstar's claim that this truly is the "ultimate" version of the game.
PC Gamer put together a summary of what the PC version of the game has to offer in terms of graphical options. Head on over to their website for more details.
- Video memory slider
- Ignore suggested limits option
- Options for screen type, aspect ratio and refresh rate.
- DirectX Version Output monitor: 1-3
- Anti-aliasing: FXAA, MSAA and Nvidia TXAA supported.
- Pause game on focus loss.
- Scaling bars for population density, population variety and distance scaling.
- Texture quality: normal to very high.
- Shader quality: normal to very high.
- Shadow quality: normal to very high.
- Reflection quality: normal to very high.
- Reflection MSAA
- Water quality: normal to very high.
- Particles quality: normal to very high.
- Grass quality: normal to very high.
- Soft shadows options: softer, softest, AMD CHS, Nvidia PCSS
- Post FX options: up to ultra.
- Motion blur strength: scaling bar.
- In-game depth of field effects: on/off.
- Anisotropic filtering: up to x16 .
- Ambient occlusion options.
- Tesellation options.
- Advanced graphics
- Long shadows: on/off.
- High resolution shadows: on/off.
- High detail streaming while flying: on/off.
- Extended distance scaling bar.
- Extended shadow distance bar.
- Benchmark testing.
The game is out on April 14.