After ample speculation, today’s Nintendo Direct finished not with a whimper, but with a bang. Bayonetta 3 is set to hit Nintendo Switch consoles in 2022, and if today’s trailer is any indication, fans will be quick to forget that eight-year wait.
Our favorite witch is back, spouting a new hairdo, and kicking some monster ass on the streets of Shibuya in style. Thankfully, in addition to some shiny cinematics, some extensive gameplay footage is giving us a taste of what we can expect next year.
The Bayonetta series follows the titular witch utilizing a collection of weapons and fantastically over-the-top attacks to bring the pain on a seemingly neverending swarm of enemies. Oftentimes, these attacks cause the leading lady to find herself in a state of undress, which instantly made the series quite a few fans–and enemies–upon original release. Did we mention that the hardest difficulty in the game is called ‘Non-Stop Infinite Climax?’ Do with that information what you will.
The new installment to the Platinum Games hack-and-slash series was originally announced as a Switch exclusive during the 2017 Game Awards, with no substantial news to speak of until this impressive trailer hit screens today. Bayonetta 2 was released on the Wii U in 2014, so it’s safe to say that fans are breathing one big sigh of relief seeing the series back in the spotlight.
The first Bayonetta title was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2009, with the long-legged protagonist the perfect rival for Capcom’s Devil May Cry series. The sequel was snagged by Nintendo and made a Wii U exclusive upon release. These titles are now available in gorgeous 4K resolution for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The first title is also available to purchase on Steam.
Bayonetta 3 will come to the Nintendo Switch in 2022. An exact date hasn’t yet been announced.