The amiibo saga continues, and I grow ever more jaded. We hear now from reddit user BRBgottahunt, who claims that Toys R Us is holding back stock on Captain Falcon and Pit amiibo to be sold on January 15. As proof, the post was accompanied by the above image, which appears to be Toys R Us' internal inventory system.
If you are wondering why new stock hasn't appeared on Toys R Us' racks, it's likely because the retailer is purposefully stashing them out back in order to unleash the storm all at once. How does this help anybody? I honestly don't know, but if this story is true, it only deepens my shame and disappointment.
Through this whole ordeal, Nintendo has remained tight-lipped. How can that company not even give us straight answers? How can it insinuate that some amiibo are already discontinued before anybody save the most hardcore collectors and hoarders have even so much as seen the damn things in person? I want to get off this carousel.