When it comes to displaying your newly acquired amiibo, you don't have many options aside from a couple of carrying cases, which are more for transporting than showcasing. Given time, we might get something as amazing as the Skylands playset for Skylanders, but until then, we have to come up with our own custome solutions.
Enter collector Danilo Santeliz, who went about constructing an extra special shelf for his amiibo. The result is a replica of Final Destination as it appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U, complete with paper mache Master Hand and Crazy Hand hovering overhead. And According to Santeliz, construction only took five days in total. Pretty impressive!
My one criticism is the Hands — the paper mache texture is too rough. If I were Santeliz, I would find actual gloves and cover those bad boys up for a more authentic look and feel.
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