It seems like there is no end to the expanded content in Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. There's a major new scenario in the upcoming remake called the Delta Episode, in which a massive asteroid is rapidly approaching the planet. In your struggle to ward of this threat in addition to the continued intrusion of Team Magma or Team Aqua, you'll learn about the 3000-year history of the Hoenn region and discover the truth behind Mega Evolutions.
The headlining conflict in Delta Episode is a space battle between the Legendaries Deoxys and Rayquaza, the outcome of which could decide Hoenn's fate. You'll gain assistance during your journey from Sootopolis City Gym Leader Wallace and Hoenn Champion Steven, but you'll also encounter a brand-new character named Zinnina, a girl wearing a Mega Anklet that is used to Mega Evolve her Salamence.
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire will hit 3DS and 2DS on November 21. There will be two new 2DS colors available at that time as well, should you feel like upgrading your hardware.