Halo is the epitome of a groundbreaking franchise. While we thought the end came with Halo 3 on the Xbox 360, we were happily mistaken, as 343 Industries took the series and started another trilogy. Halo 4 released to applause from all directions. We'd stick our necks out for 343 and say that we believe they did a fine job in taking on the mantle of such a big intellectual property. In preparation for the upcoming fifth entry to the series, we'll be treated to Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which releases in November. You'll be able to preorder the game later today and download or pick it up on November 11 in North America. There's a pretty wide scope of release dates worldwide, so take a peek at this article, which details most of them.
If it wasn't already clear, Halo: The Master Chief Collection has gone gold. What's more interesting is the fact that this remastered entry into the Halo world will use up almost an entire Blu-Ray disc, with an initial install of around 20 GB. I think the only other game to use up that much space was Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, though I don't believe it required such a large amount of installation space. Here's the particular paragraph, which states this information:
"From the start, our philosophy has been to give Halo fans the best possible experience and not compromise the quality or features of the collection. The result is that Halo: The Master Chief Collection will take up almost all of the usable space of a single Blu-ray (45 GB), and we will also issue a content update at launch that is estimated to be 20 GB. You’ll be able to start playing Campaign and more as the content is installing, with some features and multiplayer content being added via the update. Yes, the update is large, but we weren’t about to cut corners to save disc space. This ensures that you are getting every bit of Halo goodness we can fit in. Our work is not done, however, as we continue to tune, tweak and optimize the online experience to ensure a smooth multiplayer launch. This will continue right up until launch day."
Is there too much space being relegated to installation processes, or is this simply the price of admission to an awesome ride? Let us know in the comments section below!