Alien: Isolation is the latest installment in the beleagued Alien franchise (no thanks to Alien: Colonial Marines), but the game may be a saving grace to the series as its winning strong reviews across the web (our very own Phil Owen scored it a 8.5 out of 10). If the reviews have won you over and you're considering nabbing yourself a copy… we'll break down all the Edition marketing lingos for you.
Best Alien: Isolation Pre-Order Deals
- $54.40 — Alien: Isolation Digital Deluxe Edition (Steam PC)
- $40.00 — Alien: Isolation Nostromo Edition (Steam PC)
- $24.00 — Alien: Isolation Season Pass (Steam PC)
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for the consoles…
- $49.95 — Nostromo Edition + $10 Xbox Gift Card (Xbox 360)
- $59.95 — Nostromo Edition + $10 Xbox Gift Card (Xbox One)
- $49.99 — Nostromo Edition + Last Survivor DLC (PS3)
- $59.99 — Nostromo Edition + Last Survivor DLC (PS4)
So uh, what exactly do you get in these various editions available?
Digital Deluxe: The Digital Deluxe, available at Steam Store and other retailers such as Green Man Gaming are essentially the base game bundled with the Alien: Isolation Season Pass. If you're expecting other in-game exclusive or bonus items, don't bother as they're non-existence. Is there any point in buying the Digital Deluxe beyond being a big Alien fan? The bundle is discounted by 15% vs buying each separately – so there's your monetary incentive of the day.
Nostromo Edition: This is just fancy marketing speak for standard edition pre-order, which comes bundled with the crew from the Nostromo in the "Crew Expendable" DLC pack. No word on if this pre-order bonus DLC will be made available after release, but we do expect this to be a timed exclusive and eventually offered up for a nominal price.
Season Pass: The Season Pass is what you'd expect from season pass of other titles. For Alien: Isolation, this means additional "support" for the game for 6 months after release in the form of FIVE packs being released. Each of these packs contains 3 maps for the Survivor Mode gameplay. Initial release of Isolation only comes with one map — basement. So it'll give you a bit more variety to this special gameplay mode, which developers have dubbed as the "core of the game."
At the end of the day, grabbing any of the version really depends on if you're a big Alien: Isolation fan or just a sidelined interested party. If you know you'll play on day one of release (or as close to it as possible), you might as well grab the pre-order deals on Isolation which affords you the discounts and DLC bonuses currently available.
Alien: Isolation will be released on Tuesday October 7 next week. PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 faces MSRP of $49.99 while Xbox One and PS4 players have a higher price point of $59.99.