Publishing giant Electronic Arts has revealed that it is exploring the possibilities offered by Apple’s newly announced Apple Watch, a wearable piece of technology that comes with a variety of sensors while still managing to tell the time.
Speaking to CNET, EA Mobile executive vice president Frank Gibeau said that the company has two teams currently investigating the opportunities offered by the platform.
"One of the things we're intrigued with in the mobile division is seeing wearables emerge as a gaming platform," Gibeau said.
"We think we're in the early stages of that, if you look at Oculus and its relationship with Facebook, and Google Glass.
"Now with Apple's big announcement with the watch, there's a trend here where wearables are going to increase in performance, capability and unique functions over time that we believe will enable gaming experiences.
"In fact, we have two teams prototyping wearable experiences that are not only standalone, but also some ideas where you can actually use the fitness component in the watch that can unlock capabilities in the game that might be on your iPhone.
"Or you could do crafting or some other auction trading on your watch that goes back into your tablet game that you might check out later when you get home.
"So we're pretty excited about it; We think it's very early days. But for EA, the emergence of another gaming platform is compelling for us."
It remains to be seen what cool things the company will be able to pull off with the Apple Watch, but needless to say, it’s going to be exciting times ahead for anyone interested in cutting-edge technology.
The watch is set to debut at a startingf price of $349 and will be available in early 2015.