It’s about time we saw a keyboard which has inbuilt features to support commonly used Internet Acronyms such as lol, FYI, ASAP etc. and around 9 more of these. You can also switch to alphabetical (A-Z) or standard (QWERTY) key layouts with the press of a button.

The 12 acronyms which can be used via the function keys are – ASAP, BRB, BTW, CYA, FYI, HOAS, HRU, IMO, LBR, LOL, THX, TTLY.
After going through the 12 internet acronyms, it might afterall have some use for myspace and facebook addicts but not so much for youtubers or gaming chatrooms.
According to the Fast finger keyboard description on their official website
For years you struggled with a confusing keyboard layout that goes against your typing style. With the ability to toggle to alphabetical (A-Z) or standard (QWERTY) key layouts, you can type comfortably while sharing use with other people who are accustomed to the standard (QWERTY) key layout.
Which struggle are they talking about?(WSATTA) Maybe they are referring to those people who type with their index fingers. If you are interested in buying the Fast Finger Keyboard follow this link