After a bit of a delay, Star Citizen's Arena Commander multiplayer mode has finally become available to players with Alpha Access or the Arena Commander Pass. The feature formerly known as the Dogfighting Module gives access to various multiplayer variants, such as free-for-all, team battles, capture the flag, and horde. The module is still in a pre-alpha state, so naturally there might be some hiccups.
Star Citizen is the go-anywhere, do-anything space sim from Cloud Imperium Games that blew all crowdfunding benchmarks out of the water. The most recent tally puts donations at $48 million, with more money still pouring in! And in case you were curious, Arena the stretch goal promised after $16 million was reached.
The final version of Star Citizen is targeting a 2015 release for Windows and Linux machines. You can try out the game right now for as little as $40.