We know very little about Hello Games’ upcoming exploration-sandbox game No Man’s Sky, but its developers are changing all of that by shedding some light on the game as the game inches closer to release on the PlayStation 4.
In an interview with GameSpot (via MP1st), Hello Games founder Sean Murray revealed many details about the game, including space flight, trade, bounty hunting, exploration, and meeting other players.
He said that it will be difficult for players to interact with one another in No Man’s Sky, because of the scale of the game’s procedurally generated universe. Players start at their respective edges of the galaxy and must plan to meet up somewhere at the middle. According to Murray, players will occasionally pass other players, and if you wish, it will be possible to team up with them.
“You can cross paths with other players. That’s just not a core component of the game,” Murray said, “You’re not going out and seeking [other players] out or whatever, but it’s lovely to play and just see a little touch of, you know, playing with other people. You and your friends — you know, we’re doing the worst possible thing, probably — we’re gonna fling you out really far apart.”
Fortunately, the game will also come with some form of traditional multiplayer, but it’s not something Hello Games is focused on at the moment.
“There is this thing, which I’m not going to talk about now,” Murray said, “that is a plan for multiplayer and for people to have a more traditional multiplayer experience within the game, and that’s something that we’ll deal with down the line that is exciting but that is not what’s core to the game right now.”