With the Xbox One and PS4 editions of Minecraft set for release in August, the developers at 4J Studios appear to be on track with their development schedule.
Today, they posted a small development update on Twitter stating that they could “see the light at the end of the tunnel” followed by the hashtags of #MinecraftXbox1, #MinecraftPS4 and #MinecraftPSVita.
A few days ago, Microsoft Studios’ Roger Carpenter, Lead Producer for Minecraft on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One took to Twitter to address queries about the upcoming Xbox One edition of Minecraft.
He verified that the game would be running at a fluid 60fps at 1080p on the Xbox One as well as the PS4, yielding increased visual fidelity over its Xbox 360 and PS3 counterparts.
Minecraft for the Xbox One and PS4 is set to cost $19.99.