The Kickstarter train continues with Lunar Ray Games' Timespinner, the tale of a young woman named Lunais who travels through time to seek vengeance on those who killed her family. In less than a day, the fundraiser cleared almost half of its $50,000 target, and the campaign will keep running until July 25.
Like yesterday's The Deer God, this too is a Metroidvania, although Timespinner most definitely borrows much more liberally from Castlevania in the post-Symphony of the Night era. That's because lead designer Bodie Lee actually used Symphony of the Night tiles as reference for his own, but he promises that he'll continue to tweak the designs so that the final art doesn't look so similar.
Timespinner was born as a final project for Lee's game programming class in college. It won first place against other students' projects, leading to the decision to turn it into a proper game over the next several years. All that time looks well spent, as the current build seems very fast and fluid, with plenty of puzzle opportunities involving freezing time.
Lunar Ray Games is targetting a November 2015 release for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The team is hoping to add PS4 and PS Vita verstions as stretch goals, and further consideration is being made regarding ports to Wii U, 3DS, and Xbox One.
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