In the next installment of Clueless Gamer, Conan O'Brien plays Super Smash Bros. on the Wii U and gives his thoughts on the title in his normal hilarious and perplexed performance.
The game won't be released until October 3rd and it's unusual because Conan usually reviews games close to its release. Perhaps this is the reason why he was not able to give a proper rating for the game during the end of the segment since it might not be the final version. Nintendo might have
If you watch closely, they were using GameCube controllers to play the title on the Wii U. It can be recalled that Nintendo unveiled the GameCube Controller Adapter for the Wii U a few week ago.
While some hardcore games might feel offended if they watch Clueless Gamer for the first time, you should know that his ignorance regarding the video game industry and some of its titles are all part of the show. At times, he even raises valid points that'll appeal to more mainstream audiences.
Thanks to Team CoCo for the video!