Players of Diablo 3 who’ve experienced one of the game’s pet classes, which includes the Witch Doctor and to a lesser extent the Barbarian, with the ability “Call of the Ancients”, and Crusaders with “Phalanx”, will note that minions don’t always behave the way you expect them to. Sometimes, they’ll lag behind others and refuse to attack enemies on screen.
Notably, the Witch Doctor skills “Zombie Dogs” and “Gargantuan” suffer from these bugs.
With that in mind, Blizzard has announced that they will be releasing a patch soon to deal with these issues, which have long been a problem with the game—since its release a couple of years ago, in fact.
Here’s what Grimiku, community manager for the game, wrote on the official Diablo forums:
I did some digging and found out that these changes will update multiple pets, and not just Call of the Ancients. I'll go over what those changes are, and what pets it should affect. I also want to emphasize that we don’t have an estimate to share for when we expect patch 2.1, but we’re definitely working on it and are looking to provide a PTR.
We're making a number improvements to the AI of several pets
We're also fixing a number of issues that sometimes prevented some pets from attacking nearby enemies, or caused them to stand still and stop attacking their current target
Pets affected by these changes should include:
- Call of the Ancients
- Companion
- Fetish Army
- Gargantuan
- Mystic Ally
- Phalanx
- Zombie Dogs