We’re happy to announce to you that SpyGlass, a new fanmade community app for Titanfall, is now in beta.
SpyGlass will basically allow you to find other Titanfall players, even when they’re not online. In this way, you can easily find your friends, and clans will be able to recruit members. Essentially, it will make the job of filling out your party much easier.
So, to be clear, it won’t replace Xbox Party chat, Teamspeak, or other existing avenues to find players. It’s just for the sole purpose of finding party members efficiently.
For now, the app beta is for Windows, but there will also be versions for Mac, and eventually, for the web. The app can take zip codes, but only if you want to put it in, for better regional matches. The developer, funkytaco, has already made a similar app for Halo called HaloSpy CE.
You can see screenshots of the SpyGlass beta below. Limited beta comes in 2 weeks.