There was a ton of hype and anticipation building up for 2020. At least there was a ton of hype for the video game industry as we knew that this would be the year that both Microsoft and Sony would deliver their next-generation video game console platforms into the marketplace. Of course, we didn’t expect a worldwide health pandemic outbreak to occur which really altered how companies planned to announce and showcase their new console platforms. With all the various in-person events canceled, fans could only take a look at online streams and video uploads for the console information breakdowns.
Now that both the Xbox Series X/S and the PlayStation 5 is available in the marketplace, some fans are finding out the hard way about certain locked features. In particular, the PlayStation 5 is making rounds online due to the subscription service consumers have to go through in order to complete a simple process. For instance, one of the big issues fans are taking with Sony is the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 save transfers.
It looks like Sony is locking the save transfer from the PlayStation 4 to the PlayStation 5 behind the PlayStation Plus subscription service. This would gain access to the cloud and from there transfer can be done easily. This subscription service also gives players a few benefits as well such as discounts and online multiplayer gameplay. Furthermore, there are the free video game titles you’ll receive each month through PlayStation Plus.
In fact, there is also the PlayStation Plus Collection that gives PlayStation 5 owners a vast collection of iconic PlayStation 4 video game titles to enjoy. However, if you are trying to bring saves over to the PlayStation 5, you might already own a good stack of these video game titles, to begin with. At any rate, it looks like there’s nothing to bypass the online subscription service at the moment, which is likely a real bummer for some consumers.