The Souls franchise has been a mega-hit for several years now. After getting its start on the PlayStation 3 with Demon Souls, the development team FromSoftware continued on with making more installments and appealing IPs with similar gameplay styles. It’s been noted as a difficult game and one that has charted several videos and walkthrough guides online for those that end up getting stuck. However, with the PlayStation 5, the Activities page should make this game a bit easier for newcomers to get into.
With PlayStation 5, there is a feature presented that should give players an easier time going through games especially if they are stuck. After all, how many of us have taken to the internet in hopes of finding a guide to figure out a solution or better build? This new feature is through an Activities page within the PlayStation 5, completely accessible in-game. From here, there will be official guides showcasing certain goals being completed.
Overall, it’s an easier time getting through games and keeping players from having to use other online access devices such as your phone to pull up walkthrough information. With that said, we’re not sure just how many video games will offer this option so it’s possible you might be bringing up walkthrough guides for certain games. Still, one game that is coming out shouldn’t have players diving too deep online to complete the campaign and that’s Demon Souls.
A new report from The Washington Post has claimed that over 180 video guides will be included for Demon Souls Remaster. This is all accessible in the Activities feature page on the PlayStation 5 and that alone should show just how much thought process may go into Demon Souls if you’re not too familiar with the gameplay. Of course, Demon Souls Remaster is already a hyped-up video game and it’s slated to release this month. Being a title that has a following and releasing within the same month as the next-generation PlayStation 5, it’s not too surprising to see all the necessary features implemented for the game. However, this amount of help may be a bit more than what other titles may receive.