Developer Toys for Bob has released the epic launch trailer for their highly anticipated title — Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time!
The fourth installment for the iconic marsupial PlayStation mascot is almost here, and in order to hype players up the developers have released a new trailer for the game. Not only does the trailer include gameplay, but it also serves as the launch trailer for the game. With only a couple of weeks away from release, Crash Bandicoot fans should start getting excited!
Check out the new gameplay launch trailer down below:
Trailer Desciption:
It’s About Time – for a brand-wumping new Crash Bandicoot game! Crash fourward into a time-shattered adventure with your favorite marsupials. Neo Cortex and N. Tropy are back at it again and launching an all-out assault on not just this universe, but the entire multiverse!
Crash and Coco are here to save the day by reuniting the Four Quantum masks and bending the rules of reality. New abilities? Check. More playable characters? Yep. Alternate dimensions? Obviously. Ridonkulous bosses? For sure. Same awesome sauce? You bet your sweet jorts. Wait, are they actually jorts? Not in this universe!
In related news, Toys for Bob has released another trailer the highly anticipated game, but this time it focused on the brand new playable demo, which is available now!
The new demo will give players a bit of an insight as to what to expect when it comes to the latest Crash Bandicoot game. Players will be given access to three levels, and all-new, two playable characters, but wait, there’s more. Players will also be given the chance to play as Dr. Evil Cortex in an alternate timeline taking place the level titled ‘Snow Way Out’. Check out the new trailer here!
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time launches on Oct. 2, 2020, in the meanwhile players can dive into the demo right now. Are you excited for the fourth installment in the franchise?