Infamous: Second Son, the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive from Sucker Punch, isn’t quite as hefty a download as something like Killzone: Shadow Fall. The open-world experience is trying for quite a few ambitious things within the bustling city of Seattle, but it’ll only take up 24GB of your PS4 hard drive.
Now, 24GB isn’t anything to sneeze at, but we already know that next-gen games are going to be bigger than what we’ve experienced on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Once again, Shadow Fall clocked in at around 39.7GB and even pushed 290GB at one point in development. I think we can all be thankful that something as open as Second Son isn’t going to fill your fresh console.
The box art for the game, which was posted by PlayStation France community coordinator PixelTux, revealed the game’s size. The full game will become available March 21.