The PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita just seem to go together like spaghetti and meatballs, but Sony has yet to announce any sort of console bundle that includes both devices. The company sees it as an interesting idea, but PlayStation hardware marketing executive John Koller told GameSpot that nothing’s in the works at this time.
"We certainly would look at it. I think it's an interesting proposition," Koller said
"I like the idea personally of being able to put them together if not as a bundle but as a marketed experience point. So Vita we think fits very, very well as a companion device for the PS4. But, I stop there because I want to make sure Vita retains the beauty of what makes Vita, Vita. And that's that it's got its own unique kind of bespoke games."
The Vita has seen a sales spike since the launch of the PlayStation 4, due to the complementary functionality between the high-tech hardware. But, it sounds like Sony is more worried about launching a slimmer Vita than bringing its two big consoles together in one box.