It’s not much of a surprise to see certain events and expos coming to a close this year. We’re all still dealing with a health pandemic and as a result there is plenty of differences going on in the world. We’ve got a cancellation for events, expos, along with concerts, theaters have shut down, people are forced into quarantine from their homes, social gatherings have been extremely limited, and it’s all a means to help reduce the spread of this virus. Still, after months of enduring the virus, there are some companies that are holding out hope that a planned event could occur.
One of those companies might have been Blizzard who was going to be holding the BlizzCon event this year much like previous years, though now in a new report it has been confirmed to be cancelled. It’s likely something that most fans had expected and while there are some events that have been transitioning to an online stream, it doesn’t look like BlizzCon will be one of those streaming alternative events. At least, that’s the plan for right now as the company is making efforts to have an online streaming event held next year.
The decision to remove BlizzCon likely was the result of the virus still not being something that could be managed and it’s just one of the several events that were planned out but were removed from the calendar year. According to Blizzard, it does look like the event will be held online early next year in 2021 to make up for the event cancellation. What we don’t know is if the company will attempt to hold an event next year in-person.
There’s still a lot of unknowns right now because of this coronavirus outbreak. Perhaps if things dwindle down to being something more manageable then we could see events pop back up much like BlizzCon and E3 but for now, it’s purely a waiting game. We’re sure that there is likely already delays for the games being showcased during BlizzCon this year as well since most studios are forced into working remotely so holding off on some of the content reveals may have been ideal for the company as well.