PS3 and PS4 players of Assassin’s Creed 4 will receive double the experience points on the multiplayer portion of the game this weekend, Ubisoft has announced.
The double XP weekend is also set to take place alongside a new event called “Uncertain Alliances,” which contains individual and team objectives for players to complete. Each of these objectives will unlock exclusive content.
Here are the details.
Objectives and rewards:
Individual Goal:
Earn a Focus Bonus (15 times)
Individual Reward:
1 Patron Picture for each playable character
Participation Goal:
Complete a session in the event playlist
Participation Reward:
Achieve the title "The Opportunist"
Community Reward:
Unlock exclusive Assassin costumes by reaching the community objective. Find out what the community objectives are by logging in to Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag.