Burnout Paradise Remastered is set to release next month on Nintendo Switch and today a new pre-order trailer for the game has been released.
Check it out down below:
“Burnout™ Paradise Remastered races onto Nintendo Switch on June 19, 2020! Pre-order now, mark the release date in your calendars, and get ready to race, perform high-octane stunts, and tear up the road on-the-go. Welcome to Paradise City!”
The newly released trailer shows off what fans can expect when it comes to Burnout Paradise Remastered on the Nintendo Switch. The game is looking sharp, as it is the first time Burnout Paradise is released on a Nintendo platform. Racing on the go is what’s it all about and that all begins next month when it hits the Eshop.
Earlier this week, Burnout Paradise Remastered received a release date and a price point for the first time. Nintendo Switch users can expect the game to release on June 19 and will cost $49.99. The Remastered edition of the classic racing title will release with an array of new features including upgraded visuals and new game modes. Read our full story here.
Burnout Paradise Remastered launches on June 19, 2020, on Nintendo Switch consoles.
Will you be purchasing this title when it drops on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know in the comments down below and be sure to stay right here at here Gameranx for the latest gaming news releasing.
Source: Nintendo Youtube