Gearbox Software took to their blog to send out a community love letter to the Borderlands community and it comes bearing a bunch of news for the game.
As you read for the headline, one of the biggest additions to Borderlands 3 will be the game’s level cap increase. Yes, now the new level cap will be 53 instead of 50, so if you’re looking to grind out some new levels this Valentine’s weekend, now will be your chance to do so!
However, that’s not the only addition coming to Borderlands 3, as there are plenty of other great features coming to the game as well! They include skippable cut scenes, new true takedwon mode, performance and stability fixes and is much more! Thankfully, Gearbox detail all the new fixes heading towards Borderlands 3 so you can check out the full details for yourself!
Check out the full set of changes, updates, and fixes in the new Borderlands 3 thanks to the new Community Love Letter down below:
True Takedown Mode
In the Borderlands 3 Hotfixes for January 30, we shared our plans for True Takedown Mode now that Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite scales to your party size by default. True Takedown Mode delivers the extreme difficulty we always intended for Takedown content by tuning the experience for a full party of four decked-out Vault Hunters. To access True Takedown Mode, simply activate the lever located on the right side of the door leading out of the airlock at the beginning of the map. Remember, this is meant to be some of the most challenging content in all of Borderlands 3, so don’t get discouraged if your team keeps getting wrecked in True Takedown Mode when it goes live in the February patch.
Level Cap Increase
For the first level cap increase, we’re currently planning to raise the maximum Vault Hunter level from 50 to 53, timed with the debut of Broken Hearts Day. This will give you three additional skill points to add to your skill trees, allowing you to enhance your existing builds or even experiment with additional abilities. To plan out your updated Vault Hunter builds, check out the skill tree builders on our character pages for Amara the Siren, FL4K the Beastmaster, Moze the Gunner, and Zane the Operative! We’ll have more information about future level cap increases later, and intend to make any level cap increases free additions to the game.
Performance and Stability
We’re continuing to work on Borderlands 3 for all platforms. With each of the coming patches, you can expect some updates to enhance the player experience. The next round of UI improvements will come with the second campaign add-on. Community feedback has been instrumental in shaping these improvements, so if you encounter any issues, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.
Skippable Cutscenes Update
Skippable in-game cutscenes are coming soon! We’re in the process of testing this feature now, and it will launch in the upcoming February patch. All cutscenes in the game, whether you’ve seen the cutscene before or not, will be skippable during solo play or by the host of your party during multiplayer.
Guardian Rank Toggling
In a previous roadmap, we shared our intention to let players disable the powerful Perks associated with Guardian Ranks. That change will be coming in the February patch, and will allow you to individually disable specific Perks. You’ll also be able to disable the entire system if you prefer a more vanilla leveling experience. In the future, we plan to expand the Guardian Rank system to include additional Perks. We are looking to introduce these new Perks in tandem with the second campaign add-on, but they will not be tied to that content.
Event Toggling
During the seasonal Bloody Harvest event, we heard the community loud and clear: you’d like a way to opt out of an ongoing event. This feature will be introduced in the February patch. During the Broken Hearts Day seasonal event, you will now be able to toggle the event’s game-wide effects on or off via the main menu.
Fight For Your Life Improvements
Fight for Your Life is a big part of the co-op experience, and we’ve identified a few ways we’d like to improve the system. Specifically, we are looking at increasing the interaction radius between players, telegraphing revives to other players more clearly, and allowing multiple players to contribute to a revive. We expect to have this available in March.
Mayhem 2.0
We expanded Mayhem Mode with the even tougher Mayhem 4 level in the Borderlands 3 Patch and Hotfixes for November 21, but more sweeping changes are in the works for Mayhem 2.0, arriving in March. We’re still fine-tuning some of its elements and will have a separate update on this in the future, focusing on how Mayhem 2.0 will impact Borderlands 3’s endgame experience.
ECHOcast Twitch Extension expansions
The Borderlands 3 ECHOcast Twitch Extension has been a huge hit with our community, letting viewers directly interact with Borderlands 3 streamers and even collect some of the same loot. Currently, the ECHOcast Extension features Rare Chest Events, Badass Viewer Events, and Piñata Events for Twitch stream mayhem, and we want to add even more Event types in the near future. We’re hoping to introduce a Moxxi-themed Event, which we first teased during Guardian Con 2019, that would let you mix up buff- or debuff-inducing cocktails for the streamer using Twitch Bits. We’re aiming to have this ready for the ECHOcast Twitch Extension in March.
Our Approach to Balance Changes
As we continue to develop new content, we’re always keeping an eye on balancing to ensure that Borderlands 3 continues to be enjoyed for years to come, much like previous Borderlands titles. We prefer to make buffs rather than nerfs. However, in the most extreme cases, we may step in to reduce the power level of weapons, gear, or skills that make competing options feel totally obsolete.
More to Come at PAX EAST
That’s everything we’re ready to share today. Don’t worry, though, there’s still plenty more in store for Borderlands 3. Not only will we continue updating the game based on the evolving needs of the community, we’re also planning plenty of new content and free events to keep the experience exciting for players of all levels.
Want to learn more about that upcoming content? Be sure to tune in to the Gearbox panel at PAX East on February 27! The panel will stream live on twitch.tv/borderlands starting at 11:30 AM Pacific / 2:30 PM Eastern / 7:30 PM GMT.
Borderlands 3 is now available to play on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Have you been enjoying the latest entry in the franchise? Let us know in the comments below!