With the support of video game developers, publishers and players, Operation Supply Drop raised $302,187 worth of video games and gear for soldiers overseas. The collection of video games reaches soldiers and sailors deployed overseas and any soldiers recovering from injuries in military hospitals.
To deliver the video games to soldiers stationed around the global, 12 separate supply drops make their way to US troops during the holidays. Another 12 drops head to overseas soldiers as well. You can view a gallery of the first supply drop on the Operation Supply Drop website.
This year's donations include games from a wide range of developers, and even consoles from retailer GameStop. The largest donations include the following:
Popcap Games: $104,000 in game codes and t-shirts
GameStop: REDACTED in Playstation 3 bundles, games and swag
Zombie Studios: $25,000 of in-game currency for Blacklight Retribution
Intel: $21,000 of pre-built Intel NUC form factor computers
Hidden Path Entertainment: $20,000 of game codes for Defense Grid
You can still donate to the Operation Supply Drop initiative on OperationSupplyDrop.org.