Virtual Reality headsets became a big hit this generation. With the likes of Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and the PlayStation VR, there are plenty of options for players to jump into VR and try a new gaming experience. While these headsets became a big hit this generation, there are still a few common problems between the major consumer headsets available in the marketplace.
One of the major issues you’ll find to be a common problem is the fact that most of these headsets are bulky. They are a big rectangle on your face that’s strapped around your head. They don’t offer much in terms of comfort and with it comes a mess of cords. While this is the first big generation of VR headsets, there are always new innovations in the works to further advance the platform. From making the headset lighter and fewer cords being attached, there may be a big change-up VR is featured with the upcoming generation of platforms.
It was during CES 2020 that we got a new concept look at VR headsets. Panasonic is in the process of making a new VR goggle type system that offers small screens much like if you were wearing glasses. They feature earbuds attached to the arms though there are still a few cords that are required to power the headset up. These headsets do look a bit more unique in comparison to the other headsets out in the market, but they could still be a bit heavy to wear. Likewise, these headsets are just a concept so while the reference models can work, there is still plenty of work needing to be done to them before they are available for consumers.
Furthermore, there’s no word on how compatible these types of VR goggles would be for gaming. We imagine making quick movements could prove difficult for these goggles to stay on player’s face, but that’s purely speculation on our part. At any rate, these concept goggles are not ready for the public and Panasonic likely took their time at CES to get feedback to those who tried the VR goggles out.