We have a guide for you on how to pull off all the Field Orders on Call of Duty: Ghosts.
· Earn 3 nonkillstreak kills: This means pulling off three kills not in a killstreak. This one isn’t really that hard. Use any tool at your disposal (knives, pistols, rifles) to get kills.
· Earn 1 kill from behind: The game gives you some leeway in what it considers a kill from behind, so you don’t have to be squarely at the back. From either the left or the right, as long as you are within 35 degrees away from the back of your target, it will be considered an attack from behind.
· Earn 2 kills while crouched: Self explanatory. Make sure you are crouching and pull off 2 kills from that position.
· Earn 1 kill with melee: Run towards an enemy and take them out by knifing them.
· Earn 1 kill while prone: Get a kill while in the prone position, which you can do by pressing circle on the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 Dualshock, A on the Wii U Gamepad or Pro Controller, B on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One controller, and the CTRL key on a PC keyboard.
· Earn 1 kill while jumping: You have to hit someone while mid air in your jump. You may be surprised to learn this is actually the hardest one to pull off, but just keep trying.
· Humiliate the next enemy you kill: When you take someone out, go over their body, crouch and stand up. You probably already know what this is. You just have to do it once.
· Earn 1 kill with a headshot: Get a headshot. Use the MSBS if you have it to do this one quickly. Here’s why.
· Earn 2 kills from a picked up weapon: You can pick up any weapon you find off the ground, so scavenge as soon as you find an opportunity and get 2 kills from whatever weapon you get.
· Earn 1 kill from your secondary weapon: The interesting thing about this field order is it only shows up if your secondary weapon is a pistol. You get a squad point and a care package for it so you will want to go out of your way to enable it.
· Earn 1 kill from an explosive non-streak weapon: You can use a grenade, rocket launcher, IEDs, C4, etc., as long as it is not a weapon that can do killstreaks.
What follows are the Juggernaut Field Orders:
1. Maniac
· Earn 6 melee kills: Stab 6 enemies. It does not have to be a killstreak, so do it in any order.
· Earn 4 kills with the throwing knife: You only have one throwing knife in the game, so guess what? You will have to pick it up from the target every time you get a kill.
2. Assault
· Earn 7 kills: Simple enough. Use anything you have in your arsenal.
3. Recon
· Earn 3 kills with the riot shield: Getting a kill with a riot shield is as simple as hitting them with it up close.
· Earn 3 kills with a .44 Magnum: Simple enough. That’s all you need to know.
You can only earn five field orders per game. The virtual briefcase will still show up if you pull one off, but you get no benefits from it, so pace your progress. Watch the source video below, and one last piece of advice: don’t change your playstyle to meet the field orders. It just won’t work. Good luck!
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