There are times when you might think that Microsoft and Sony aren’t exactly friends. Jabs have been traded on almost a daily basis throughout the dawn of this new hardware generation, but really, the competition is something that both companies need in order to fine greater success. President of worldwide studios, Shuhei Yoshida, wants what’s best for the consumer, and it’s this back and forth between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One that will produce the strongest possible result.
“That’s a great example of how competition is important,” Yoshida said to Giant Bomb in reference to Xbox One giving indie devs Unity access. “It creates stories. Microsoft did this in reaction, and that competition makes what’s happening in the gaming industry more interesting to the general public.”
Yoshida isn’t afraid to admit that the Xbox team is full of smart, talented folks, either.
“I’m really happy that we have very strong, great competition from Microsoft,” he continued. “I appreciate their talent – they’re really smart people, and very resourceful.”
Sony’s indie push has helped Microsoft see the light, and there will likely be scenarios where Sony will have to barrow from Microsoft down the line, too. Look for more fireworks in the months following both hardware releases.