Overkill Software has announced brand new content, called ‘Border Crossing’, is coming to PayDay 2. Check out the chaotic trailer down below.
The short one minute trailer gives us just a sneak peek of the madness that is on the horizon and it looks absolutely terrific. It also gives a solid look at the new locations, which definitely has its own identity and isn’t like anything we’ve seen before in a PayDay game. One thing we definitely get from the trailer, it’s that hell will be raised.
Border Crossing DLC follows a storyline of the crime thieves known as the Payday Crew in process of transporting money and illegal merchandise from the US to Mexico, using a secret tunnel across the border. Sounds dangerous? That’s because it very much is dangerous and madness is definitely going to surround it.
As expected, the new content will give the player the choice in going in stealthy or guns-blazing, but choose wisely as it can make or break the heist. Lastly, Border Crossing will introduce players to two new locations; the United States and Mexico, which is always exciting to see new maps added to the game this late in its life cycle.
Payday 2’s Border Crossing will be available to download on November 7 on all platforms.
What are your thoughts on the new content? Will you be joining in on the madness? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and as always stay right here at Gameranx for the latest gaming news.