We have a guide for you on how to do some of your own troubleshooting through the most common issues plaguing Battlefield 4. Make sure to keep this page open and handy while you work through the most common issues.
Some of these, honestly, will be a pain to go through, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Some of these will also be at an advanced level. We can’t teach you everything here, but you can always Google for additional tutorials.
Restart your modem or router. Unplug the modem or router, wait, and then reconnect. Check if the error pops up again.
Turn off the firewall. You can access firewall settings from the Windows Control Panel.
Try updating DirectX. From Windows Explorer, go to the folder Program Files (x86) => Origin games => Battlefield 4 => _installer => directtx => redist
In redist, look for and double click on the application named DXSETUP. This will install the DirectX files for you directly from Microsoft.
You need to make sure certain ports are open, depending on platform. You can read through the required ports below:
Playstation 3: TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-10100, 17502, 42127 UDP: 3659, 14000-14016
Windows: TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-20100, 22990, 17502, 42127 UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300
Xbox 360: TCP: 53, 88, 3074 UDP: 53, 88, 3074
Flush DNS and renew IP. From the start menu, type “cmd” to open the command box. Then, type down these commands in the command box:
"ipconfig /release"
"ipconfig /renew"
"ipconfig /flushdns"
"ipconfig /registerdns"
"netsh winsock reset"
Of course, you will want to make sure your card has the latest drivers. Click these links for nVidia or AMD.
There are other alternate scenarios where you will need help from other sites. You may need to update Punkbuster manually, which you can get here. If you have to resolve CPU spikes by un-parking the cores, you can use this utility.
Finally, Microsoft has prepared a hotfix here, and their own update to handle AMD FX, AMD Opteron 4200, AMD Opteron 6200, or AMD Bulldozer cards here.