Sony recently posted a Frequently Asked Questions page regarding the PlayStation 4. It detailed how sharing your content works, accessing it through other consoles, and more.
It is possible to share the games you download with family and friends who use the same PS4 console. You do not need to authorize them to access it by logging in. At the same time, PlayStation Plus members can share their benefits like online multiplayer with siblings or roommates. There would be no need to pay for multiple PS Plus subscriptions if a group shares a console under one roof. This might cost Sony potential revenue, but it's a good way to draw people in by giving players less to shell out for.
Purchased games can be downloaded and played into as many consoles you want. PS Plus benefits carry over to any system as well. It is noted that the account holder is the only one who can initiate downloads. However, there is only one "primary" console wherein your content can be shared with other users. You can determine which console is the prmary via activating your system. Conversely, it is also possible to deactivate a console. There is no limit to how many times you can do this.
It was also reiterated in the page that there will be no restrictions on used games such as extra fees or constant connection to the Internet.
Lastly, the PS4 will have a limit of 2,000 friends but 100 will be displayed. In order to update your friends list, you have to sign out on all devices your PSN ID is signed into and sign in again.
The PS4 will be released in North America on November 15th.