Gears 5 is the latest title to launch in the long-running franchise and from the early critic reviews, it seems to be a smash hit!
It seems that Gears 5 have it covered on all fronts — story mode is compelling with a gripping story, multiplayer modes are addicting and will have players hooked for hours, and the graphics are one of the best showcased on the Xbox One this generation. If you’re a fan of the franchise or a newcomer all together, this title seems to be a good day one purchase.
Down below are some of the most respectable gaming sites in the industry, check out the highlights for their reviews on The Coalition latest shooter title — Gears 5:
IGN 90
What was unexpected is just how effectively it doubles down on story with a character-focused, consequence-filled tale that plays to one of the franchise’s most underappreciated strengths and backs it up with fun, welcome additions to both its gameplay formula and flow. And that’s just the campaign: add in a heavy-hitting multiplayer lineup of Versus, Versus Arcade, Horde, and Escape and it makes Gears 5 one of the best and most versatile action-game packages in recent memory.
DualShockers 90
Gears 5 is perhaps the best entry in the long-running shooter series and stands as one of the best games of the Xbox One era.
Once again, The Coalition proves itself as Gears of War’s ideal custodian. Gears 5 is one of the best entries in the series yet, delivering an unrivalled package that still boasts the best headshots in the business.
Gears 5 is exactly what it needs to be. This old war vet still packs a punch. The open-world exploration has issues, but that isn’t enough to steal away the thunder The Coalition expertly deploys on the battlefield. The campaign is a fun ride that concludes with a shocker moment and a hell of a setup for a sequel. I’m already looking forward to that follow-up.
GameSpot 70
Gears 5 is very much a return of those best elements of Gears of War, but with a focus on making the game feel somewhat more adaptive to your particular ways of playing. Whether you want campaign or co-op, Competitive or Quickplay, there’s an option for you in Gears 5, and plenty of stuff to reward you for time spent and skill gained. Gears 5 might suffer from some of the same storytelling missteps as its predecessors, and it might not venture far out of the past, but the new ideas it brings to the series are all good reasons for fans to return.
Gears 5 is set to release for the Xbox One and PC on September 6. Are you planning on picking up the latest installment in the franchise? Let us know in the comments below!